Root of the problem!
Is very nice to read some of the things people like to see in their LFS.
However the most important thing is how are we going to make the LFS implement these suggestions? We have to look at the root of the problem here on the island! There is lack of competition therefore lack of incentives for improvement!
The reason why I did not post what I like to see at a LFS because you have to get to the root of the problem and that is how you can get results. You can’t get to C from A unless you pass B and I'm not going to wast my time telling the LFS on the island what would be nice to add when it is not going to go any where.
Anthony if you are still not happy with me not buying your hood and lights I hope you can get over it by now. If you have a problem with me then call me. You got my number and I can try to work it out with you but don’t follow me around on the forum and try to bash me ok?