Somehow, I think this last posting misses the whole point of this thread.
This thread is about what the existing LFS can do to improve customer satisfaction. More competition means your comments are targeted at other (new) people considering going into the industry, not existing businesses.
Things like well maintained tanks that make customers want to buy a fish or coral to put into their own tanks or proper lighting over reef tanks so the customer can see the corals in a healthier environment are what I would like to see in any LFS I plan to buy from. If the LFS doesn't put in the effort to take care of the fish/corals, then I am less likely to frequent that establishment. These are steps that Island LFS can do to increase their biz because customers will buy more & product turnover will be faster & so they can order more frequently, which will lead to more sales.....
Poorly maintained or lighted tanks hurt sales because you end up keeping the corals/fish for a long time or until they die due to the tank conditions.