What do I want?.........COMPETITION!!!!
Why Vancouver has the lowest prices around Canada? Well just count the number of stores. The LFS on the Island are making a killing!! Lets look at Nanaimo. How many places can I buy fish? Petcetra, My fish tank, maybe Wal-mart? Now what is the population of this town? That's a lot of business. Of course you might say there is more people in Vancouver then in Nanaimo but at the same time how many stores do you have in Vancouver? Second what is the over head cost for a fish store in Nanaimo? You would think that alone will off set the high shipping cost!
Let’s look at a fish store in downtown Vancouver. How big is their target market? Maybe 5 or even let’s say 8Km range. Why can they offer cheaper prices, better selections when they are paying hug rent and facing many competition. Now lets look at Nanaimo again. There is almost close to a monopoly here. With a target market that is far greater then a 8km radius in downtown Vancouver. What is going on???
No competition!!!!
Can you tell me why the LFS should get better prices, more selection, or any other things you want? After all you will be in that store if they had it or not. You don't have a choice!!
If I own a LFS in Nanaimo I would just sit here and laugh at you. I would just say to you "see you at the store" (That is why I don't own one!)
When you have a monopoly the focus is not about service, product, or the well being of the customer. Is about revenues and how I can keep this monopoly!!!
I'm only using Nanaimo because I just moved here and I don't know the LFS in other parts of the island. One thing I'm sure now is that I will be buying lost of hardware on E-bay and other online shopping sites. But I will still be going to the LFS......what other options do I have?
I miss Vancouver and all the LFS over there. The closes thing of looking at some fish other then my own is from my screen saver