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Old 08-26-2005, 04:23 PM
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Originally Posted by dirtyreefer
Originally Posted by Gizmo
I fould that if after you are done, spray your rustable tools with a WD40 and it keeps them clean, just wipe them down before you go and frag again so your not getting lubricant all over your corals
Isn't WD40 highly toxic? Since it's oil based, wiping it down before fragging really wouldn't remove all the toxins that could be on the shears.
Please don't use wd40 on your tools. it will seep into the joints where you cannot wipe off the excess and ultimately contaminate your tank when you use it again.
just rinse your tools in freshwater and put over a heater vent or on top of your canopy to dry off quickly as possilble.
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