Thread: SOS
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Old 08-25-2005, 03:06 AM
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geopod geopod is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 308
geopod is on a distinguished road


I havent met these guys yet.But I will look for to them sy hello from you.My role here is GOD.You ask for power I give it to you.But if you are bad I can always take it away....I am the Dirty Diesel guy...generators..2 of us here running the power plant to keep everyone happy so they can eat, have light you know how it is.And the officers can have their air conditioning and their computers.But alot of people have no concept of a generator...uhhh what do you mean you need more fuel?What do you need that for?And why you asking for so much oil?What do you need that for?Story never changes...There is always one in the crowd.In this case a few.I guess they drive their cars with no gas and never change the oil in it.Anyways.Take care.So you are posted to Shilo...My old Battallion is there.I ended up coming to edm instead.Way before they left WPG.

Its all about the fishies.
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