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Old 08-23-2005, 09:22 PM
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danny zubot danny zubot is offline
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Castlegar BC
Posts: 3,469
danny zubot is on a distinguished road
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Recommended attractions?
Recommended restaurants?
Recommended areas of town to buy a house?
Its all a matter of opinion but I'd recommend the Zoo (world renound), Calgary Tower, Glenbow museum and Heritage park (to gather some history), Prince's Island and floating down the Elbow river (for relaxation)

I'd name some clubs and restaurants but they've all probably changed names since the last time I was at them.

Buying a house in Calgary all depends on your lifestyle and transportation method. I've lifed in the central south end for a long time and love it because there is easy access to pretty much everything. The suburbs are cheeper than buying in say, Willow park or even Acadia now because of accessability issues.

Hows that?
55 gallon cube - 50 lbs LR - ASM G3 skimmer - 30 Gallon sump - 22 Gallon refugium / frag tank - 4x 24 watt HO T5's - Mag 9.5 return - Pin Point PH monitor - 400 watt XM 20K MH in Lumenarc reflector - Dual stage GFO/NO3 media reactor - 6 stage RODI auto top up -Wavemaster Pro running 3 Koralia 2's.

Fully stocked with fish, corals and usually some fine scotch
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