lots of reply on this topic, thanks guys. just a update on my purple tang. i run a UV sterilizer last night, i did feed garlic to the fish - I just soaked frozen food with crushed garlic in water. I also have 1 cleaner shrimp and 3 fire shrimps in my tank. so far, the tang is doing well, it has lost half of the white spots. As for where it got the ick in the first place, i think it always had them. I got this tang 4 months ago, white spots appeared from time to time. i guess it is a reaction to poor water quality and stress. I bought some new fish from JLa few days ago, i think there was some fighting going on in the tank which stressed the tang. anyways, I dont think i will use the kick-ich because i have heard some poor feedback from others. i will continue to feed garlic to the fish, hopefully the ich will disappear soon. thanks everyone.