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Old 08-20-2005, 05:40 PM
Keana Keana is offline
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Default I'm Giving UP!

Im not using this product anymore. It does not work for me! I don't know what Im doing wrong........ Its not hard to shake and dose. I have added a little, I have added allot. I always do testing to see what my cal levels are before I dose and than I dose the amount of Kent LR that would be required to get my cal up to 435 and than wait and retest the next day and find only that my levels have dropped to dangerous levels. If I use turbo cal this never happens. In short, Kent LR does not work in my tank. I know that everyone here things it is great, so it must do the trick. But not for me! Thanks for all the help and info. My tank is to precious to me to start using things I don't trust. I know you all feel the same.

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