Thread: WTB: Ricordia.
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Old 08-14-2005, 09:28 PM
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Justin Justin is offline
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Port Moody BC
Posts: 90
Justin is on a distinguished road

Let me explain.

In 01 this board was a great source of info regarding local people and what was going on with local tanks. It was armature but good.

Then it started to swing to bashing stores and took on a negative tone, which lately has been fixed, but the content is so far from good, it's total crap.

Could you ever imagine going to one of the big boards in ANY forum on ANY topic and reading garbage like this? Joking, not joking, who cares? It's crap and has nothing to do with reefing, selling or buying ricordia.

Basically the content on this site has been going downhill till the point it's worse then what I would expect from a teen chat room on yahoo or MSN or something.

Stop or leave, leave I will.

Your going to have to find someone else to do Sept tank of the month, shouldn't be hard.

Feel free to delete my account. Back to reef central where the conversation is intelligent.
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