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Old 08-12-2005, 10:08 PM
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snailbuddy snailbuddy is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Edmonton, AB
Posts: 97
snailbuddy is on a distinguished road

I have the best boston terrier - Buddy is 16 pounds (the mid-sized model). I bought him 8 years ago from this home just outside of Sherwood Park. He is my absolute favorite of all time! Huge personality, no genetic defects - his eyes aren't bulgy, is in perfect shape. Vet visits have only been for: 1 cold required antibiotics; regular shots; 1 cut eye (he attacked a much bigger dog and lost!) The vet says it's a pleasure to see such a healthy dog, even his teeth are perfect! Snores like a drunken sailor - snorts around the house, always know where he is. He is still as playful as a puppy. Very smart - "cat" smart . . . knows exactly what I'm talking about and pretends he doesn't if he's not interested. Very clean. If you want to meet him, see what they're really like, pm me - we'll get together. Buddy loves everyone except dogs bigger than him! I highly recommend boston terriers, very easy to keep, no real grooming required!
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