why my fishtank has a lot of brown algae even when i clean
hello ,, i have a very serious algae problem,, i clean the gravel and fater maybe ten minutes you see brown algae again,, the glass , the rocks and everything,,, we have now 4 months with the tank,, we have a few crabs and snails, a coarla beauty, a maroon clown, a cleaner shrimp ,a brittle star and three damsels,, we recently lost an anemone,,,, can some body help us and give us a good advice how can we control this problem... thanks a lot.... dacyn46 plssss  [/b]
Just a new reefer getting better and deeper,120 gallon truvu accrylic, 46 gallon sump, nautilus te skimmer, 75 lbs LR, hamilton 175 metal halydes, seino M620, hagen 802, 2 koralia4s, sailfin tang,rusty angel, lamark angel, dk blue surgeon fish, percula mated pair, golden headed jaw fish, 1 Brittle star, and the cleaning crew.