Originally Posted by muck
Originally Posted by marie
The only thing I remember about her, was her eyes kept popping out and we had to take her to the vet to get it put back in 



no way! Are ya serious?
They do have big bulging eyes though, except I'm looking at ones that not the standard black and white colors but red and white coats. There so pretty and have greenish eyes instead of those big poped out black eyes.

I would love to own a doberman but to big of a doggie for me right now, so dobie will have to wait till later in life. But Boston Terriers I've recently though would fit me better right now. Just looking for input and dont ever seem to see anyone with them. I have come to discover their crazy expensive though! So I'm doing my research first.
Thanks for all the good tips everyone!
Love to hear more thoughts and advice if anyone has any.
Thanks a bunch everyone! Back to puppies on the brain!