OCDP, Are you sure your in the right hobby?
I see TONS of people spending $1000+ on items they enjoy, does that mean they have too much money? No, they just spend what they have how they want.
I know a person with a $3000 Drysuit and he takes the Bus to work, my neibour has a $650,000 house and he has no car. He would rather spend 3 or 4 months out of country with that money.
Don't knock people for doing something you wouldn't, or couldn't as the situation dictates. Keep your stupid ass comments to yourself.
I think there should be a disclaimer when you join this forum saying something along the lines of, "Don't say anything would would be afraid of getting punched in the face for, if you said to to someones face as opposed to typing it' Also something like 'THINK before you say something stupid.'
Danny please read above.
How much money do you think it takes to set up a facility to breed and rear centrophyge?
If they are going to be able to keep the doors open, they are going to need to turn a profit, they are doing the best thing for this hobby possible, and here you are blasting them. What is wrong with you?
If I had the disposable income right now, I would gladly buy a resplendens for $1000, and I bet you they will all be sold to likeminded individuals who value this hobby, not those who shouldn't be in this hobby in the first place.
Read this thread from beginning, and think how someone over at RCT would feel if he read your blantantly stupid and ignorant comments, and you will understand why no big authors, orwell known people in general would visit a site where stupidity at this level is permitted.
And really, you should sell all your stuff, it dosen't sound like this hobby is for you. I will even buy it if it means I will never have to listen to crap like this again. Post some pics so we can all see what a skilled and knowledgable person like you has accomplished.
Thanks have a nice day!