Looks a little like one of the crabs we pulled out of one of our BB LR only quarantine tanks this morning. All I can tell you about our crab is that it makes one heck of a load of detritus

The LR Q-tanks are not being fed, so I am assuming this crab is eating coralline and/or rock.
Since we are always in the mood to lessen the amount of detritus in our three BB systems, this and the other crab got the garberator treatment.
Am thinking of tearing down our fishless 37g and especially our 67g to get hitchhiker crabs out of them. The 67g has an unreal amount of detritus for having only a pair of ocellaris clowns and two cleaner shrimp
Favourite crabbing tool is the centre one with the long black stabber, so I guess you could say we're pretty blood thristy when it comes to getting rid of crabs
