More food for thought

... a communist state is what you are insinuating will happen in Alberta right Doug ? ( cant visit relatives ... barbed wire fences at the border etc

Far from the truth ... we are in fact losing our democratic rights little by little and those that either dont care or to scared to look might ridicule the alternative.
The west has no voice because the power of government lies in the east ... we do get the privilege to pay however and the Robin Hood mentality of take from the rich and give ( pay off the poor for votes ) to the poor needs to stop. What would work better is encourage investment in industry in the " have not " provinces so that they may become self sufficient ... not gonna happen with a Liberal government ... staying in power is all that matters ... sad really
In response to a post stating that us Westerners and North Americans, had no idea as to what is, and we wouldn't know what was "Communism"
What kind of left wing drivel is this.../"we wouldn't know"/. I beg to
differ my friend.
Communism/Nazism are simply different forms of leans way left and the other leans way way right with the common factor being to stay in power for just that...POWER.
In Canada, our government and its policy's tend to be way way
let us look at communism then shall we..??
*USSR* All media was controlled by the govt
*Canada* Main stream Media is funded by, and as such controlled by the govt
*USSR* you were told what you can and cannot watch/read
*Canada* You are told what you can and cannot watch/read (CRTC)
*USSR* elections were rigged such that there is no way to advertise a
differing position nor was one tolerated
*Canada* elections are rigged in a similar way: Try putting up an ad on
TV against the Govt. Not tolerated. ( Liberal installed election gag act
1999 or 2000 - Jean Cretien). Differing views (anything that is not left
wing Liberal), is immediately condemed as "fanatic-extreme"
*USSR* Judges were apopointed that followed Govt rules/regulations and
*Canada* Judges are appointed and typically follow Govt line of thinking
(ie; LEFT)..or they would not get appointed
/Communism supposedly takes from the rich and gives to the poor But in
reality the Politburo took a nice very healthy commision/
/Canadian "Democracy" takes from the rich and calls it Equalization
payments and along the way the Liberals take their nice little healthy
comission as well./
*USSR* Gun Ownership was illegal
*Canada* With the "Gun control legislation" only the criminals are going
to have guns and the rest of us sooner or later will have them taken away.
*USSR* had no Senate
*Canada* might as well not either as ours is appointed and
staffed/rigged as to follow Govt policy.
*USSR* Head of Politburo was Supreme ruler (no checks and balances)
*Canada* Prime Minister is Supreme ruler (no checks and balances)
*USSR* Govt was in Power to stay in Power for no other reason that to
have power over all.
*Canada*: Liberal policy above.
*USSR* Govt officals reeked of corruption
*Canada* see above
Just a few likenesses I would say. The problem is just as our local talk
radio guru has said all is a form of "creeping activism". And
we continue to lose democratic rights day by day. Not in a fell swoop,
but an inch at a time. That in medical terms is called Chronic.