Thread: RBTA question
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Old 07-23-2005, 12:28 AM
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hmm , Danny

I have had a lot of BTA's .. all from an original of course.. but I also have an RBTA , which is quite big.

I would say, that the addition of all those new fish did something to the system and is making your rose a little upset. Like islandreefer said, they don't think like animals, they only react to environmental changes. So I am leaning towards some kind of change in water paramaters.

If not that..... (which is most likely the cause)

I know that RBTA's are known wanderers in general.... so I have heard from lots of people..

But mine has found a spot and hasn't moved in as long as I can remember. They DO like rock shapes that have cracks and holes in them so they can suck their foot right into it. As oppossed to a flat surface of the rock..

I hope that all makes sense, and if its a change in water conditions, a few water changes should fix that soon enough. Also, IME BTA/RBTA's are extremely hardy, possibly more hardy than we invision... so don't panic too much.

Feeding him might settle him down some, but if it's water conditions , who knows....

Good luck, keep us posted.
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