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Old 07-22-2005, 10:05 PM
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Skimmerking Skimmerking is offline
acanthastrea freak
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Location: Virden, Manitoba
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Well How about everyone dawn a uniform at take a try at it. It takes alot of will and smarts to do what some of these guys do. where they are ask to sign up or even volunteer to do some different things during the summer. Lots of them take time off of work and a wage cut and go to study to become a good or awesome soldier.

But then you have some real winners out there, THE KMART COMMANDO's that buy anything that is Cad pat. That is the uniform that we have with the camoflage in it.

hahahaha Well serious the reserves are not that bad for a younger person to have some fun and experience. I have been on 5 tours over seas in my 16 yr term. from Cyprus to Bosnia and AFGHANASTAN COMING up. HAITI Training you name it i have done it. Not glowing my own horn.

Working on tour number 6 coming up next year to AFGHANASTAN and i have had many young Reserves working for me. Some would get cocky and some wouldnt.

The ones that would get cocky i would just sort out with my kind words of Wisdom. Lots of them that i have trained on their Army SQ (soldier Qualification that helps them understand the basic's of army life.
And trust me when you get some of the Weekend Warriors that come on the course transfering over from the Resrves to the Reg force well they think they know everything. Now that is where the fun startes as a instructor.

But on a lesser note there are some very awesome Reserves that play a major role in the army commander's and some of them have quite a a strong role play some are lawyers , and even doctor's and even believe it or not Archelogist you know the bone digger's.

Actually i was going to join but i didnt wasnt to get my hair that short when i was a kid. My Dad told me to join to sort me out. but i bombed the test, just so that I wouldnt get in and now look at me.

So for any one that wanna take the challange go for it. people who wanna dig at them. Please think before posting and lettign a small thread get out of hand so that the Moderators are not getting involved.

P.S just remember if ya join, there is a Recruiting school here and you may get me as an Instructor...
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
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