Unfortunately in the U.S. the system works like this: Poor people and average working-class people (who are disproportionately minorities) send their sons to fight for the interests of rich white people and various powerful corporations. Upper-middle class and rich people would never send their kids off to be killed. Meanwhile the rich take all the benefits of the society that the poor people are getting killed fighting to protect.
Enough said. you are right i am wrong. I just didnt see it clearly. thanks for setting me right.
P.S. I never said you are wrong. I said you are giving a view without doing it and that movies like 911 add fuel to the fire of those who think its the word of god. this limits your view to those that tell you how it is instead of finding out yourself. ie. I can tell you what its like in space as i have ready ALOT about space but in reality I am just going on others words as i have never been to space.