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Old 07-21-2005, 06:05 PM
Zerandise Zerandise is offline
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Victoria B.C.
Posts: 329
Zerandise is on a distinguished road

spoken like a truly unpatriotic canadian if you ask me. i have a lot of respect for anyone who wants to stand up and serve our country in a time of conflict.
Dont be so quick John. Im sure he spent many many years living in the states and time in the US reserve and is speaking from an informed point of view. Statement like that, i would assume, are based on fact and not on the "news" seen in canada or on "beverlyhills 90210". I would also assume he has spend his/her share of time in the war room to get a better view than the rest of the population.

Infomed statements like that keep free speak alive and well. Please dont bash him/her for it.

On topic I spent 4 years in the US army. ALot of the reservers had wished they went fulltime. it disrupted thier lives when "desert sotrm" started. If you have that life style then it would be great!

Thanks John!

by the way wanna help me pack my tank on saterday? wink wink
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