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Old 07-21-2005, 07:45 AM
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Buccaneer Buccaneer is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: DeWinton, Alberta
Posts: 1,075
Buccaneer is on a distinguished road

I dont see anything wrong with what is stated in that article ... there are 2 provinces ( Alberta & Ontario ) supporting 10 ... Quebec with all it's resources is a " have not provice " ? wtf is that all about ?

It is not a matter of anti-Canadianism but anti-Federalism where we are treated as second class citizens compared to those in the east.

That bologna about Eastern provinces putting Alberta where it is today is just that ... bologna ... They invested in Alberta and got rewarded quite nicely ( and still reaping those rewards )

We could establish our own laws to deal with crime and punishment, and our own separate relationship with the Americans
Sounds to me like if you commit a crime in Alberta under the new system a criminal might actually get punished ... unlike the paid vacation hotels ( jails ) that they currently are housed in. Reading the paper today and even if they have the funds ( the criminal ) we will send them on a all expenses trip to whichever relative had a hangnail on the taxpayers dollar.

Heck ... here is a novel idea ... maybe if you break the law and get sent to jail you have to contribute to the cost of your upkeep while you are imprisoned ... why should society pay for you when you are the one that decided to break the law

Yup ... definately the criminal justice system could use a overhaul for starters.

Without large transfer payments we could invest more in our universities and educate our youth ... we could look after our senior citizens instead of the Liberal Government stealing our money and laundering it amongst their friends.

Yup ... lots of reasons that have nothing to do with being anti-Canadian but everything to do with making a better place for us to live. It would be a model for other provinces to emulate and if they want in on the Alberta advantage then we support them with guidance and goodwill.

“The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood.”
― Voltaire
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