Hey guys. So this weekend I re-did my 30 gallon fry tank into a "coldwater" tidepool tank. I went to some local beaches to get everything from the sand to the rocks and the water. So far, everything has gone really smoothly. The water is still cloudy, either from the sand or the cycle I have no idea.
Temperature: The temp is sitting at between 70 and 73, but it went a bit higher yesterday cus of this hot hot hot weather we are having here in Van. I might need to get that chiller afterall!
Filtration: Aquaclear HOB 200 filter and a powerhead. I have these turned down a bit so there is not
too much circulation.
Lighting: 40 watts of flourescent light, 1 20w Powerglo and 1 20w Marineglo Actinic. I keep the lights on during the day.
Inhabitants: About 10 little crabbies, these guys are so cute. A whole bunch of live barnicles and mussels. And a baby purple starfish! Also a bunch of seaweed macroalgae.
Now, for some pics!
Full tank shot (water still pretty cloudy):
Full tank shot:
Purple Starfish:
Barnicles on rocks:
Anyone have any input? I want to go slow with stocking because I dont know if this tank will cycle or not given I've taken everything out of the wild.
More to come soon!