How the hell did you two beat me to the board
Great Party
In the words of the Bard (J Buffet)
"As I stumbled to find me a taxi
I saw a note pinned to my sleeve.
It was a pleasure and a hell of an evening
It was truly our night to win
But the authorities insist on my leaving
Take care, my American friend
Emily B Wow your tanks are
fantastic, nice to meet you eye to eye

Hats off to a superior reefkeeper..Find a post where I have said that
Tony very cut kid
Jim thanks a million, nice system relax its all good
Captain it was a pleasure
Golden69 aaron it was great to meet you, will contact you soon, any time you want to get together call I've sent you my cel phone via pm... I am in Van every other week
it was a pleasure and a hell of an evening You are
EXQUISITE When I said "if I was single and ten years younger you would be in trouble" I lied
If I was single you would be in trouble
Thanks to all that attended it was great FUN