Originally Posted by Doug
Hi Mitch,
Hi Doug
Originally Posted by Doug
Rob has been the most moderate of the sand "gurus".......The problem I have had, is that it was as hard to argue with them as it is with some of the barebottom fanatics now. 
Yes it is a problem and one without a solution to quote one of my favorite statesmen
"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject"--Winston Churchill
The truth is set out in my signature
Originally Posted by Doug
The same could be said for Gamble & Goemans advocating the plenums. At least the plenum systems were brought forward by the Monaco Aquarium and Dr. Jaubert.
Fanatics on opposite ends of a debate
are more similar than slightly opposed moderates
Originally Posted by Doug
However, it is an interesting article and at least good to see them running more experiments on various systems.
yes it is nice to see a scientific eye backed up with a verifiable testing protocal
Originally Posted by Doug
Question, Did I miss it or why did Rob not run the same test on a plenum system?
Originally Posted by Robs Report
We set up a factorial design experiment with three replicate nano-tanks (27 cm long x 17 cm wide x 30 cm high) for each factor: with or without plenum, deep or shallow, and coarse or fine sediments for a total of 24 experimental aquaria (Fig. 1a,b).
All tank combinations were run for both plenum And non-plenum systems
Originally Posted by Doug
And why such a short time period on the experiments?
Considerable recourses were required to run the experiment for as long as it ran
Originally Posted by Bio Geek the Reef God
Time-series of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate concentrations in aquaria showed little difference among treatments (Figs. 4-6). After the initial 21d, there were no significant differences among ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH or salinity measured for any treatments through the end of the experiment
If there was no significant change for 90 days ( the experiment ran for 121d) one would have to come up with a really good reason /idea to explain how or why a change would suddenly and spontaneously occur after all systems had reached a steady state/equilibrium for three months
Rob would have run it for years but resourses are limited
I think its cool he managed to work in some tanks with live critters