Thread: PVC Glue
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Old 07-12-2005, 03:43 AM
JimE JimE is offline
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Posts: 42
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in the IPS Weld-On brand (many flavors available....)

#725 Wet 'R Dry or #747 Pool 'R Spa will glue both rigid and flex pvc without needing the primer - one can will do anything you want to do

If you can't find that then use #P-70 primer (in purple or clear) with:

#795 for flex pvc pipe

#700, 702, 704, 705, 710, 711, or 717 ( & probably a couple others I can't remember) for rigid pvc pipe. All do the same thing, just different colors, weights, set times, etc - all which don't mean too much in hobby apps.

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