A few people have been asking for seahorses, and, if they all did their research, then great. I don't want to discourage you, but seahorses are not the same as other fish. Trust me, they are quite a bit of work and can get
EXTREMELY expensive to keep, (I don't know how much experience you have with them, so, if you have lots, then ignore this post, but if you are just getting into it, keep it in mind). I'll give you an example that will keep it all in perspective... I bought 6 H. Reidi over a year ago... got a deal on them and they were wild caught... sounds good, right? WRONG! It was costing me about $360 per month in ghost shrimp until about December of last year, when I finally got them to eat frozen mysid! Not cheap! And one of them recently refused to eat frozen and is back on live food, (but, slowly going back to frozen).
Captive bred will cost you more, but will save you a bundle in food, so, they are worth the price. Also, before getting any seahorses, (or pipefish, for that matter), do your research... Go to:
Hope that helps.