Thread: setup help
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Old 07-03-2005, 01:16 PM
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Fluidized filters, like bio-wheels, bio-balls, undergravels and so on, are only needed for bio filtration if enough live rock and/or sandbed are not used. There is usually no need for them in a reef aquarium.

If I was to use one, it would not be the fluidized filters. For small tanks the bio-wheel filters are the best way to go and for large, a sump with a wet/dry and bio balls.

If you chose to have a sandbed, an inch or so sounds fine. To generate enough current in a tank that size, I would use a decent return pump, matched to your overflow capacity. Either a good submersible like a Mag pump or an inline like the Mak 3 or Mak 4 pumps. Also many of the others mentioned in various threads here, like the Bluelines and such are good.

You could just use powerheads for current, like Maxi-Jets on a wavemaker or just linear current. I have always had good luck with Hagen powerheads myself. Plus there is always pumps like the Tunze stream pumps, albeit more expensive. The Seio streams seems to bea decent alternative, but I have never used one.