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Old 07-02-2005, 07:53 AM
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Justin Justin is offline
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Port Moody BC
Posts: 90
Justin is on a distinguished road

I use a small UPS made by APC, it is set to make a god awfull scream that should wake you from a deep slumber from across the house. If that fails to wake you, the dogs going nuts in conjunction with the repetitive high pitch scream should do the trick.

If that fails as well, throw in the constant squeel emited by the Tunze osmolator high water level alarm (from the sump filling) and you will be awake and at full attention in a split second, as shough the second comming was upon you and it was inspection time.

If all else fails, the cops banging down your door after they were called by your annoyed neibours should alert you to the problem...

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