Pair Marroon Clowns - 40(pending)
Lawnmower Blenny - 10 - (pending)
Chromis - 5
Coral Beauty Angel - she nips - 20
Yellow Tail blue damsel - 10
Chocoloate chip star - eats what ever it can - free to a good home

Tuxedo urchin (pending)
Pair of cleaner shrimp - 30 (pending)
Fire shrimp - 20 (pending)
tiger tail cuke - 10 (pending)
Pink and Green Cucumber - 15(pending)
Snails & Hemits - 1$ each.. but i will not be getting rid of them until all other live stock has been removed. (pending on all)
Live rock - about 120-130 lbs... 3$/lb. - i will sperate the rock, you dont have to buy it all ! ! ! (pending)
Live sand - about 50lbs - free to who ever wants some.. has tons of life in it =-) - pending
Ricordia smallish 5 or 6 assorted colors - 10 (pending)
Ricordia large blue - 20 - (pending)
Large favite - 30 (pending)
large frogspawn - 30 (pending)
Zoo's - largish colonies - assorted colors - 15(pending)
galaxy - 10(pending)
I will update as I remember :P
Please email me at for information or to buy an item. Please put the item you want in the title. I would like pick up this Saterday/Sunday. I would prefer to not have to take a zillion pictures.
I would like everything removed by this weekend.
Make me an offer if the price seems to high, I suck at bartering =-)