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Old 06-22-2005, 09:01 PM
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Gizmo Gizmo is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Spruce Grove
Posts: 384
Gizmo is on a distinguished road

One common problem to slowdowns that for some reasons spyware programs dont pick up is "iosdt.exe" Great little program that slows your computer down to 286 days. You can see if you have that in your taskmanager.

As far as the problems booting up, I can think of a couple reasons that might happen. 1 (Most common) Your registry is just getting old. Over time, with installs and uninstalls, the registry gets filled with crap, that can cause erronious errors like you are seeing. How long has it been since you had your OS installed. 2( Unlikely but plausible) Hardware failures, you could have started to develop bad sectors on your harddrive where the registry sits. Low level scan disk SHOULD detect these, but a clean format would be your best alternative. I reformat my drive about once a year and install the OS fresh. Keeps all the crap out.

Good Luck,

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