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Old 06-19-2005, 09:00 PM
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Fish Fish is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Okotoks, AB
Posts: 724
Fish is on a distinguished road

Updated list and prices:

- 65gal tank (frameless, external overflow with 1.5" bulkhead, 1" bulkhead in back wall for return line, made of 5/8" starfire!, includes steel stand. he paid $500)

- 65lbs live rock (excellent coraline growth, comes with: colt mushroom, gsp, and sun polyp corals. Pistol shrimp, goby[pictured], coral banded shrimp, fire shrimp, peppermint shrimp x2, yellow cucumber, saron shrimp, 2 clowns, 2 urchins, brittle star, assorted snails and hermits)

- three maxijet1200 and wave timer

- turbofloater skimmer and needlewheel pump

- coralife uv sterilizer (very large size. I can find out the details if you don't recognize it from the photo)

He has decided to keep his lighting incase he decides to set up another system in the future. Because lack of time is the reason he is selling his system, he would like to sell it all to one buyer (for $1000 - NOTE: price is now $650) or only a couple buyers instead of parting it out.
I don't imagine that he will be checking his pms so you can contact me if you have any questions.

- Chad
Returning to the hobby after an eight year absence.
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