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Old 03-20-2002, 10:16 PM
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Default whare do I put my float valve?

sorry, i skimmed through darrens post cuz its just too long! [img]tongue.gif[/img]

but as for the burning hte pump out part...youll probably want the last baffle as high as you can.
that will minimize the chance of bubbles getting into the return and also minimize the room for error in runnning your return dry.

FWIW, on my poorly designed sump, my float valve is only 5" off the bottom...and if i have a near empty top off bucket before i go to work, my returns will be sucking air. keep in mind YMMV as i have a large system with alot of evaporation. **although i will be using a much larger topoff resevoir soon, i am still gonna rais ethe level of my float valve by a bout 4 more inches.

so my suggestion is to raise the level of water in the last chamber as high as you can accomodate without the potential for a flood.

HTH [img]smile.gif[/img]
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