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Old 06-14-2005, 06:47 AM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
Good Guy Albert
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Originally Posted by Snappy
Lookin' great Albert.
How do you get so many pics packed into this site? I can only ever get about 6 before Canreef tells me I'm out of alotted space.
Nice pic's, good job. Now I know where the premium livestock goes and why there is usually not much left by the time I get to the store.
PS next time I come to the store I'll bring you a razer blade scraper.
Heh, they are hosted remotely on

Thanks for the offer Greg!

Anyway, without further ado, here's today's batch of new pics:

Two brain corals

Here's an anthias that I've been debating on taking home:

And here's the wrasse I did end up taking home:

Cheilinus chlorourus aka. My arrowhead wrasse substitute.
This and that.
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