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Old 06-12-2005, 04:52 PM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
Good Guy Albert
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Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic
Beautiful collection Albert. Especially like your bright red Blastomussa & cuttlefish. That's too bad about the pump incident. I'd love to try a cuttlefish one day.


Yeah, seemed pretty easy to keep as long as there was a constant feeder shrimp supply. I even got him to take a mysid shrimp once.


Originally Posted by kuatto
Very nice looking pics,love the zoos.
Thanks Jim!

Btw, how fast does that super orange one grow?

Originally Posted by Gools
how is that gorgonian, in terms of care? I heard ones with coloured polyps are hard to keep. I would love to try one but very lery. Thanks
I haven't had any problems with it. I'm using Cyclopeeze, DT's phyto and DT's oyster eggs to feed the thing. Thusfar, I haven't noticed any tissue degradation or recessed polyps. I've only had it for a week though and am keeping my fingers crossed.
This and that.
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