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Old 06-09-2005, 08:40 PM
Gringos Gringos is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 26
Gringos is on a distinguished road

Danny as far as the skimmer goes, I have one if it is good I do not know. It is a diy ventury style. It is powered by a quietone. The collection cup holds about 2 1/2 cups and I pull out a full one a week and it is dark skimmate.

I guess I could do a lights out kind of thing, but wont the bubbles come back when I bring my lights back on. Could my broblem be nutrients. I do a 5g water change every 2 days. It might not have been enough with all that feeding.

I don't realy want to go the nuking way. I would have to remove all the rock and need temporary housing for my fish.