Thread: Tangs in a 90?
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Old 06-02-2005, 01:39 PM
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Originally Posted by StirCrazy
I used to think we were learning also, but does it really matter? what are we doing with that knowledge? are we helping in research that is going to benefit the fish or even other fields of study?

If the answer is no then we are learning for our own curiosity which is a different way to describe having a tank for our enjoyment.
I think your focus is on what we can do with our knowledge as aquarists directly. As I said, I'm no marine biologist, and I probably won't make an impact with my knowledge, in the grand scheme of things, directly. But, I feel I have a positive impact indirectly for reasons described in my previous post. So ya, I think we are helping fuel research.

As well, I think reef aquariums in our homes fuels some children's drive to make marine biology their career of choice. Again, an indirect benefit to wild coral reefs, through home reefkeeping. It's all related.
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