Thread: Livestock Order
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Old 05-14-2005, 05:27 PM
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Location: Lloydminster, Alberta
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Sorry, but I can't wait that long. Since this is a new tank with much algae and detritus, I require my initial invert clean-up crew much sooner. Ocean Aquatics currently has an excellent selection of inverts other than listed on their web site and at reasonable prices.

Here are some of the species currently on my list:

Blue Leg Hermit (Clibanarius tricolor)
Red Leg Hermit (Paguristes digueti)
Scarlet Reef Hermit (Paguristes cadenati)
Electric Blue Hermit (Calcinus elegans)
Emerald Crab (Mithrax sculptus)
Porcelain Crab (Petrolisthes spp.)
Sally Lightfoot (Percnon gibbesi)
Astrea (Astraea tecta)
Brown & Red Banded Turban (Turbo spp.)
Cerith (Cerithium spp.)
Nassarius (Nassarius vibex)
Trochus (Trochus niloticus)
Tectus (Tectus spp.)
Stomatella (Stomatella spp.)
Tiger Tail Cucumber (Holothuria thomasi)
Chiton (Chiton Ancanthopleura gemmata)
Peppermint Shrimp (Lysmata wurdmanni)

Several other species are currently available.

Ocean Aquatics is able to ship via Air Canada Cargo to Edmonton on Monday (May 16), Wednesday (May 18) or Thursday (May 19). If anyone from the Edmonton area is interested in this order, please send me a PM by the morning of Monday (May 16). Otherwise, I will be placing the order for another individual and myself early in the week.

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