Thread: M80 Ballasts
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Old 05-08-2005, 05:23 AM
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If it's just a bare ballast you're looking for that you can DIY into your own enclosure, you should be able to order M80 from any industrial lighting supplier. M80's are made by Advance Transformer, the part # for M80 is 71A5880. In Calgary I have in the past inquired about ordering them from Brite-Lite and Litemore, I would think both places have franchises in Edmonton. If not though there are sure to be others. Anyhow IIRC the last time I looked into ordering some the price came out to $110ish per.

There are also these:

If you're looking for two ballasts, by the time you've ordered the ballasts, shoehorned them into an enclosure, and so on, those look to be not too bad deals.
-- Tony
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