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Old 04-21-2005, 07:43 PM
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christyf5 christyf5 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2001
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I was in IPZ last weekend and while he didn't have much for livestock I was pretty impressed with his selection of drygoods, especially the buckets of 160g IO for $39.99!! Stuff is ridiculously expensive in Nanaimo and while I like to support the local stores I don't appreciate them fleecing me everytime I need something He also had Sweetwater zooplankton (good for non-mysis eating fish) which I scoured all of online canada and finally got it from Drs. Foster and Smith down in the US and had to have it shipped to a friend in the US and then to me.

And he has plumbing supplies! Smart guy!

I'll definitely be heading back down once he has his new marine tanks set up

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