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Old 04-21-2005, 06:59 AM
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reeferaddict reeferaddict is offline
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Default IPZ Advanced Test Kits

Hey everybody... I was by Island Pet Zone today as some stuff I ordered came in. Scott had a new shipment of tanks & stands from Oceanic, and some nice new test kits... Strontium, Iodine & Magnesium kits from Seachem. Now I can keep up with some of these essential elements without relying on "manufacturers directions" and running the fear of under or overdosing this stuff. Nothing I hate more than adding stuff to your tank without having a clue what the demand to additive ratio actually is. I had found these tests in short supply, but now he has them in stock.

The next few weeks will bring a lot of change in there as well as he will be setting up a thousand or more gallons of marine/reef stuff along with starting his own display tank. Scott says when this is done he will be looking to buy frags as well... but he'll let us know when he's ready to do that. Considering he had almost NOTHING a year ago, he's now making the plunge. I understand a few of you went there this last weekend - keep checking back and give him your input - he's getting new stuff all the time. I'm trying to talk him into wavemaker solutions better than the switching power bar type - unless any of the rest of you know of a secret little place on this rock that has other options... He's also got a good line on some RO/DI units - I'll keep you posted when mine arrives.

Marnie - your tank is beautiful! Quite simply a labour of love with many hours spent... great job - I hope mine compares one day.
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