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Old 04-17-2005, 04:46 PM
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Fish Fish is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Okotoks, AB
Posts: 724
Fish is on a distinguished road

And my most favorite ever:

Sexy shrimp!

My tank has the following livestock:

- assorted zoos
- pulsing xenia
- assorted mushrooms
- ricordia
- colt
- gsp
- devils hand (thanks Polo)
- candy cane

- yellow clown goby
- porcelin anemone crab
- three sexy shrimp
- five stomatella
- four cerith
- one margerita/nerite

(I did make an impulse purchase and bought a "candy cane goby" that was supposed to host in candycane coral. I now think that they are only called that because of their color and not because of what they host in. I have also read online that they might even be a brackish fish )

What do you think?

- Chad
Returning to the hobby after an eight year absence.
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