I have had three CBS over the years...all displayed aggression and chased other fish...the last one "Tyson" (the only invertebrate I ever named) was particularly aggressive and predatory...must have been exposed to steroids...
...while I have no evidence of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, on a balance of probabilities I am sure Tyson killed a couple of small gobies...one in particular - a small yellow clown goby - that fish was doing well until one morning the CBS had him firmly in his claw and was munching away...sure, the fish could have died in the night...but I doubt it...the next goby (can't recall the exact type) was bigger and I concede more diffcult for Tyson to catch...so perhaps he died...in any event, no further small fish went into that tank (55gal)...at one point, I was forced to keep a small'ish clown trigger with Tyson for a week...even though it was double the size of the shrimp, it stayed away from those lunging claws...Tyson's claws seemed pretty strong...he grabbed my hand once and held on for some time, refusing to release...his appendage actually separated from his body...
Life is far too short not to buy the stuff you know you are going to get in trouble for....