Both injector methods were running on a MAG 18...the original Venturi is a Kent, and the new Beckett is a Canadian Tire knock off Wetlands Foam Jet. The options I was weighing was changing the Kent to a Mazzei, or for less money I could have ordered a pre made Beckett online...or less yet, try it myself! I went with the 3ird option...The foam is much drier, and alot darker, and the flow through the skimmer is much more significant.
UnderWorldAquatics - The total cost was about $40 for the upgrade so I think it was worth a try either way, but I am happy with it so far so that’s all that counts! And with a few twists I could change it back.
IslandReefer – The valve on the mixing box was supposed to be for the calcium reactor to drip into...I decided not to go that direction, and just drip it into the sump via a collection cup.
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