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Old 03-30-2005, 02:40 PM
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Default Re: alk

Originally Posted by Jaws
As for Kalk, i'm not sure if they sell it in town here but I would like to start using it.
You can buy it in town, but you'll need a bank loan. Get in touch with Shao, he sells it by the bag for next to nothing. I may have an extra bag here if you need some to carry you over.

My secret recipe for coralline growth. Get a large glass container, open a cold beer and pour it into the container. Discard bottle in the recycling bin.
Now find a real comfy chair and sit in this chair in front of your tank. Watch the fishies swim around. Relax. Think happy thoughts. Relax some more. Drink said beer from the glass container. Repeat this regularly, and wham!! pretty soon you have coralline all over the place. Really.
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