So after scrambling to recover from an Alk and Ph spike which caused a few coral fatalities. After my pump siezed draining my pocketbook even more, what else could go wrong this month?
Last night I went home to find my glass top broken and all of my lights swaying in the current in my tank. The MH bulb shattered instantly and my PC bulbs broke too. The pins were very corroded, probly because of the power was flowing through them for a while. I have no idea if the balasts are ok, but just by looking at them there is no damage.
Surprisingly my fish were all still alive! My corals were all closed up and shedding and spitting and burping etc. and the water was really cloudy. My skimmer was foaming out really red skimmate from the iron oxide in the water and there was glass everwhere in the tank.
I did a 25% water change and my levels are fine accept for those I can't test for like heavy metels etc. So I'm probly going to take my corals over to my friends to watch until after I move.
Please tell me nothing else can go wrongwith this tank