Thread: WTB - FISH
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Old 03-23-2005, 03:43 PM
powerboy powerboy is offline
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: inside a faraday cage in the middle of a lightning storm
Posts: 35
powerboy is on a distinguished road


Ive read many of your posts. You HAVE to stop with this sarcastic tone that are in your posts. Starting a sentence with "Umm" signifies a complete lack of respect for others as well as this board.

I responded to a post of yours which didnt belong on this board, and I actually agreed with what you were trying to do. Perhaps now that a few people hold the same position as you you feel vindicated, and the past posts since you joined this board are somehow forgotten. Let me assure you, they are not.

Maybe this person DOESNT want to goto J&L. Maybe this person wants established fish, perhaps show size. Whatever the reason, he/she has decided to post here. After all it is the buy/sell livestock forum.

Bottom line, stop acting like a know it all kid. Its getting old. If you think its perfectly ok to start a sentence with "Umm" and think it doesnt imply sarcasm, perhaps you should re-open that grade 11 english textbook that you just recently stopped studying.

If it is just me who feels this way and it is percieved as a rant, mods, please feel free to remove this post.

I just want to see a little respect on this board from you. I dont want this to turn into a negative post, I just want you to know how I feel. (Ill bet a nickle Im not the only one)
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