DIY Chiller or am I crazy?
Ok this may just a completely crazy idea that would never work but I wanted to run it past the pros and see what everyone thinks.
Would it be possible to build a DIY chiller out of a bar fridge?!?!?
They are cheaper than a chiller especially if you get one used in teh buy and sell.
My thought is.
Drill 2 1" (well slightly larger) holes into the side near the bottom. Feed some 1" flex tubing through it so you have a stack of say 3-4 coils lying in the bottom. Connect this to 2 valves (so you can completely exclude it form the system) and 2 couplings. Then run a smaller pump or Aqua Clear 5000 powerhead or even branch it off the skimmer.
The fridge can also be used to keep your Phyto and the freezer portion for all the frozen foods. The top makes a great stand for flake foods, equpiment etc etc.
Would it cool the water enough?? Or am I sniffing too much glue tonight??
Home:160Gal. Foxface, Yellow Tang, Blue Tang, Coral Beauty, Lawnmower Blenny, Starwberry Dottyback, Mandarin Goby, 2 Percula Clowns, Green Brittle Star, Brown Brittle Star, Chocolate Chip Star, Cleaner Shrimp
Store: 33Gal. Green Brittle Star, Chocolate Chip Star, Peppermint Shrimp