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Old 03-21-2005, 10:28 PM
Majestic_Aquariums Majestic_Aquariums is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Red Deer area
Posts: 111
Majestic_Aquariums is on a distinguished road

I am not opposed to people who hunt. I don't, but at the same time, it does have it's benefits-over-population for one. I do however have issues with anyone that wants to "beat the system" and hunt whatever, whenever. Sorry, Ryan, but I don't think it is too cool to raise a bird, basically domisticate it, (they do become fairly tame) Just to release it, shoot it, and call that a sport.
It has been along time since I was to Taber, but do recall seeing a Pheasant-raising operation locally when I was there. Why not run your Idea past them, maybe they can tell you what you want to know?

But as far as hunting goes, I have read your posts on the subject in the past, and didn't jump all over the idea of hunting itself. When I took my Hunter-training courses, one of the main things that we learned was Wildlife Management, and Preservation-this to me is neither.