I have to agree that this site is probably not the best choice for the topic at hand. I am a hunter, have been for many years. I was taught to respect nature and all living things.
I find it interesting that people react so harshly to hunting, and all they say are things like, "how can you kill something?" and "arent you ashamed of the fact you murder for pleasure?" while these same people have no problem going to safeway and buying meat on nice little styrofoam trays, going home and savoring the flavor.
It is far more humane for a hunter to take a single animal with one bullet per year than the thousands of mutilated animals in slauhterhouses daily.
The conditions of these vile factories is disgusting. The pnumatic bolts driven into the heads of the animals kill far less that you would imagine. Chickens are treated even worse than cows. Beaks burnt off, stuck in little boxes so they cant move. Even wearing leather, or eating gummie bears or jello suports this activity. There are so many animal by-products in our daily lives I find it tough for people to use the "we preserve life" argument when we actually contribute to the slaughter knowingly or not.
On another note, yes you can say that reefers preserve life by trying to maintain species and further the quest to minimize impact of wild harvests. On the flip side to this, (as there is always one) how fair do you think it is to pluck these animals from the ocean (using cynanide) where their territory is vast and stick them into a tiny little glass box that more times than not, is far too overcrowded. As close as we may try to duplicate nature in our tanks, we never will.
All I'm doing here is playing devils advocate. There is always 2 sides, and sadly, most humans react with haste and think, for lack of a better term, that our poop doesnt stink.