
It's a 90 Gallon
It's comming along, but slowly! I started it at the first of February.
Here is what I am running currently:
90 Gallon Hagen Tank
DIY Stand and Canopy
70 lbs of LR (20 Fiji and 50 Tonga)
2-3" DSB
Lighting: (going to upgrade soon!) Please post with ideas

2 Florec. 48"
2 Actinic 48" Marine Glo
Berlin HO Skimmer / RIO 1700 pump
Powerheads: 2 Maxi-jett 1200's and a Hagen 301 with Cannister
Regular Aqua Clear hang on filter
Ordered some of this from J&L, and some from LFS:
2 Cleaner Shrimp
2 Oscellaris Clowns
1 Yellow Tang
10 Hermit Crabs
5 Astrea Snails
Large Feather Duster