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Old 03-16-2005, 05:04 PM
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Fish Fish is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Okotoks, AB
Posts: 724
Fish is on a distinguished road

If anyone is unfamiliar with my system, here are some specs.

- Approx 20gal starfire with external overflow box and two 1" drains. Also, there is a 3/4" bulkhead in the back wall for closed loop. Glass is 3/8" thick.

- 20 gal sump underneath the tank with more live rock and macro algae. "big mombasa" (seriously its name) protein skimmer, extra maxijet 1200 for added circulation, fluorescent outdoor spotlight from walmart, iwaki md-20rxt as the sump return pump, blueline hd-20 on a closed loop.

Both tanks are now barebottom. Turnover in the main is approx 40X in the main and higher in the sump. Approx 50lbs of live rock in the system.


- zoanthids (approx 13 different colors)
- palythoa
- gsp
- toadstool
- assorted mushroom and ricordia
- pulsing xenia (2 colors)
- colt
- red open brain
- frogspawn
- candycane
- montipora digit. (green and purple)
- montipora cap. (green and orange and purple)

- three damsels (blue yellow-belly, three stripe, domino)
- large emerald crab (now lives in the sump because it kept knocking frags over)
- pistol shrimp (have only heard it, never seen it)

My cleanup crew: pepermint shrimp, hermits, brittle star have all been given away (or some moved to my nano at work) because I was getting annoyed with them rearanging frags. I have also found that with the macro in the sump, high circulation, and no sandbed, I do not need any cleanup crew other than the small bristle worms and stomatella snails. Oh, and some copepods and amphipods. Hope I didn't leave anything out.

- Chad
Returning to the hobby after an eight year absence.
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